Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hello, 200 !

     Well good morning to you, my non-existent (as of yet) readers of "A Tale or Two From O.Q!" If one did not know, you would think I was a young child today. I am honest in making this confession as I found myself waking up extremely early this morning (5:30am to be exact) out of excitement and anticipation for our trip to Six Flags today; you would think it was Christmas morning or something. I am glad to say I am on vacation (or as I am calling it, a "STAYcation") this week. The weather is supposed to be in the 90's for a good part of the staycation. Hot, yes, but I much prefer it over the rain or cold.

     As my one-year AQ Anniversary approaches, and I am scanning through my PFX log, I must say I am a little disappointed as my original goal was to reach 300 in my first year. I am one box away from 200 which I intend to get (and hopefully more) sometime this week. My Mom, angeltreads, recently made me aware of May 24th: Plant-a-Letterbox Day which just so happens to be this week, so I am eager to get out there into city to plant some neat indoor boxes, which I have yet to do. In the past year I have made the effort to expand the amount of letterboxes that are hidden within the actual city of Atlanta. I found out early on, that this is no easy feat. Although I do think the city boxes are the most fun, (switching it up from taking those long 1 to 3 mile hikes which can get to be monotonous) I do understand why they seem to be the slowest to accumulate finds; PARKING. It is very hard to find areas in Atlanta that have easy, accessible city parking, and almost impossible to find parking at no jab to your wallet. So this will continue to be my project as I really do think the inner-city boxes are the best. I know, for me anyways, some of my favorites and most memorable I have found in the city (The Varsity, Centennial Olympic Park, and the Turner Field box(es) by LAUGH stand out in my mind).

     That is all for now. I must get my 'coaster gear ready! It's gonna be a hot one !

1 comment:

  1. ...and a disclaimer to all who plan to go to Six Flags over GA this summer: Do not keep ANYthing in your pockets on the rides (even if you think they are secure!). I was on the Great American Scream Machine (Six Flag's HUGE wooden roller coaster) and my brand new iPhone 4 flew out of my pocket :-(

    A very sad story.
