Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's Raining, it's Pouring...The River's a Roaring!

Today I set out to find some 'boxes and I did NOT let the rain stop me! I set out to find a series on the Chattahoochee River by Otter Pause called 'Wildlife at the River - J.B.' Of course I brought my loyal companion Finn the Beagle who was ready for an adventure! An adventure it was for sure! I had never been to Johns Creek before so I figured I would make it my focus today. I did intend to find more boxes, but after the 2-3 mile series (and drenched) I was ready to get home and jump in a warm shower. The 'Hooch (as many call it) was definitely roaring today with all of the rainfall. The trek was very nice because the trail led parallel to the river with many awesome, scenic views. The fog hovering over the river was something straight out of a horror movie--very cool.

One thing I learned from today's journey is that I definitely need a better pair of sneaks! My lack of tread had me slipping and sliding all over the place--I felt at times like I was jet skiing, being pulled by my pups anxious-nature to see what was further down the trail. A very neat thing that happened to me while finding the final box in the series "Yes, Deer." I went in to grab for the letterbox and much to my surprise found it being guarded by a frog! [see pictures posted below]. He evidently did not want to give up the great stamp beneath.

My countdown continues until my trip to the coast of Maine (VERY excited)...just 15 days away! angeltreads (Mom & Dad) already have our letterboxing adventures planned and ready for finding! Look out locals (GA/LBSE) your hitchhiker just may find its temporary home in Maine in just a couple of weeks!

Until next time...


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